About the Consultant

With an appreciation for powerful narratives that lead to cultural shifts and community safety, Faylita Hicks (she/they) works with justice-focused nonprofits, arts and literary organizations, and performance venues throughout the US to actively engage in anti-carceral liberation efforts through dynamic storytelling. An award-winning writer, performance artist, editor, and consultant with over 20 years of experience in event production, grant writing, publishing, PR, and nonprofit strategy, Hicks is the founder of Infinite. Creative. Lit. (formerly known as Arrondi Productions)—a professional development agency for creatives from underrepresented backgrounds.

            Using the principles outlined in transformative justice theory to guide their practice, Hicks seeks to empower new and emerging brands by fostering messaging and methods that align with each client’s unique principle and mission, identifying holistic strategies to long-term sustainability along the way. This is accomplished through developing targeted grant-writing and fundraising initiatives, coordinating innovative cross-media programming and healing support services, and establishing anti-racist professional practices.

            Currently based in Chicago, their previous leadership roles have included editor-in-chief, managing editor, program director, lead organizer, adjunct faculty, curator, and keynote speaker.

Former partners and clients include a wide range of organizations such as Mano Amiga, Detention Watch Network, Con Mi Madre, Texas Center for Justice and Equity, Living Cities, Texas Fair Defense Project, City of San Marcos Arts Commission, Texas State University-San Marcos, University of Texas-Austin, Sierra Nevada College-Lake Tahoe, The National Poetry Slam, The Recording Academy/GRAMMYs, Black Mountain Institute, Los Angeles Review of Books, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Black Femme Collective, Awful Good Writers, Austin Interfaces, The Dots Between, Breakthrough Collaborative, Lambda Literary, Tahoma Literary, Tin House, PBS, Write About Now, and others. 


Faylita Hicks believes economic justice is healing justice.

All of these consultations are available at a 20% to 50% ,discounted rate to eligible clients from marginalized backgrounds. For more information, please email faylita.hicks@gmail.com with a short email describing your circumstances and needs.


Poetry I

This consultation is perfect for new and emerging POETS interested in submitting to contests, poetry awards, and publications.

Your consultation includes:

  • Line edits for 10-15 pages of poems.

  • Comprehensive revision suggestions.

  • Recommendations for relevant writer communities.

  • A curated list of where to submit work for publication based on the packet.

  • A 45-minute conversation covering topics of your choosing



Poetry/Prose III

This consultation is perfect for EMERGING WRITERS interested in submitting to residencies, fellowships, contests, awards, journal or magazine publications, and agents.

The consultation includes:

  • Line edits for a maximum of 45 pages of poems.

  • Comprehensive revision suggestions.

  • A review of your professional bio.

  • A review of your project description (500 words max).

  • Recommendations for relevant writer communities.

  • A curated list of where to submit work for publication or consideration based on the manuscript.

  • Two 45-minute conversations.



Poetry/Prose III

This consultation is perfect for WRITERS interested in submitting to residencies, fellowships, contests, awards, journal or magazine publications, and agents.

The consultation includes:

  • Line edits for a full-length manuscript.

  • Comprehensive revision suggestions.

  • A review of your professional bio and CV/Resume.

  • A review of your complete project proposal.

  • Recommendations for relevant writer communities.

  • A curated list of where to submit work for publication or consideration for representation based on the manuscript.

  • Three 45-minute conversations.



  • Mentor Talk

    In-depth one-on-one talk with Faylita Hicks regarding one or two of the following areas of interest:

    • Poetry (Editing)

    • Poetry (Publishing in lit journals)

    • Prose (Editing)

    • Prose (Publishing in lit journals)

    • Poetry Manuscript (Editing)

    • Poetry Manuscript (Publishing with publishing houses)

    • Prose Manuscripts (Publishing with publishing houses)

    • Platform building

    • Funding creative projects

    • Networking virtually for writers


  • Writer’s Consultation

    This 90-minute discussion includes

    • An evaluation of your current publication and platform strategy including a review of your bio, website, Google analytics, and social media accounts.

    • An outline of potential publication strategies including genre/issue specific recommendations.

    • An outline of opportunities for platform growth.

    • A curated calendar of upcoming residencies, fellowships, contests, open submission calls.

    • A tailored pitch guide.


  • Spoken Word Artist Consultation

    This 90-minute discussion will be an opportunity for me to provide you with the following:

    • An evaluation of your current performances and platform strategy including a review of your bio, website, Google analytics, and social media accounts.

    • An outline of potential touring strategies including genre/issue specific recommendations.

    • An outline of opportunities for platform growth.

    • A curated calendar of upcoming residencies, fellowships, contests, open submission calls.

    • A tailored electronic press kit guide.
